Monday, June 18, 2012

Important Beef Cattle Diseases That You Need To Be Aware Of When Raising Beef Cattle

As a cattle owner, you should be aware of the diseases that may affect your cows. Parasite infection, for instance, is one of the most common beef cattle diseases. External parasites such as horn flies and lice are common during the summer and the winter respectively. Both can be controlled, however, with proper medication. Internal parasites, on the other hand, can be fatal especially to calves under one year of age. These young calves have not yet developed a certain degree of immunity that can help them survive infections. So, in order to get rid of the parasites, deworming is necessary. You may use anthelmintics that have been approved for beef cattle. Consult a veterinarian with regard to the type of wormer as well as the right timing for medication. Some of the popular brands are Safeguard, Valbazen, Ivomec, Levisol, and Rumatel.

Safeguard contains fenbendazole as its active ingredient. It is effective against lungworms, roundworms, and larval forms. Valbazen is usually available in the form of paste. It has albendazole that is effective against intestinal worms like lungworms, liver flukes, and tapeworms. Ivomec is available in pour-on and injectable formulations. It has ivermectin that works against lice, lungworms, and cattle grubs. Levisol is available in paste, boluses, pour-on, and injectable forms. It contains levamisole that fight against lungworms and roundworms. Rumatel contains the active ingredient morantel tartrate, comes in crumbles or boluses forms, and works effectively against roundworms. Foot and mouth disease is another one of the common beef cattle diseases. It is caused by a virus; and unfortunately, it is not only harmful to cows but to humans, as well. Cows with foot and mouth disease usually have high body temperatures that last for two to three days, abortions, sticky and foamy saliva, mouth and tongue lesions, and inflammation of the heart muscle.

Beef cattle diseases can be prevented with proper nutrition and hygiene. Stress prevention, vitamins, and certain vaccination programs that include IBR, BRSV, BVD, and PI3 are also necessary. When injecting formulations by yourself, make sure that you do not target the muscles. All injections must be given under the skin. You must not inject formulations into the hip or legs either. In addition, always keep a record of all the treatments and follow the directions on the label of the product. Sometimes, beef cattle diseases are caused by changes in the weather. You can protect your cows by providing them with a clean and strong housing.

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