Monday, June 18, 2012

Why Raise Chickens?

There are many reasons why you should choose to raise chickens than other animals. Some reasons are listed below.

  • Nutritious and Great Tasting Eggs. Most animal lovers choose dogs, fish, and cats as their pet but these animals do not produce something that is edible unlike chickens that produce eggs.

  • Chickens have their own personality. Each bird is completely different form the other chickens. They have their own uniqueness that is endearing. They are beautiful and they have different sizes, shapes, colours and patterns. You can give those names, spoil them or play with them any chance you get.

  • They can provide a sustainable living. Keeping some chickens in your backyard can help you sustain your everyday life. You can be able to live your fast-paced life and meet your life's demands if you have chickens in your yard.

  • Chickens can make your garden or yard healthy and free from chemicals. These birds love to wander around your garden. By doing this, they eliminate dirt and insects by eating them such as small twigs, worms, beetles, earwigs, etc. and at the same time making your garden free from chemicals because they turn it into fertilizers so you won't be needing chemicals anymore.

  • They can eat your left overs. Chickens are not choosy with regards to the food that they eat. They can eat almost everything - even your left overs so you do not have to worry about how to dispose them because you can give them to your chickens. You can save money to buy chicken food for this. Do not give chickens onion and garlic because they may affect the taste of the eggs.

  • Balance, compost pile. Chickens can contribute to your composting by means of their poo. Eggshells can also help in the soil resulting to a fertile and rich soil.

  • Some of these fowl help in eliminating grass, weeds and fallen leaves. They will be happy to dig garden debris until they are all gone.

  • Chickens are low maintenance. You do not need to feed them twice daily, walk them, brush or give them a bath. All you need to do is gather eggs, feed them and give them water. You should also change their bedding monthly.

  • Save chickens from a factory life. Factory raised chickens are treated unkindly. Raising your own chicken lessens the number of chickens being raised in a farm or factory.

  • Be different. Raising chickens are still uncommon nowadays. You will be unique among your neighbours if you choose to raise chickens than the ordinary dogs and cats. Amaze them with your hatched eggs and well-built chicken coop.

Now that you are aware of the many benefits of raising chicken, you must do some research if chickens are right for you. Even if you love chickens, you need to think about some important points.If you think chickens are cute, you're off to a good start. You need to be fond of chicken for you to be able to enjoy raising them. If you find chickens unappealing, you may be less motivated to raise them which are bad for you and the chickens. If you love chickens but your partner doesn't, be ready to take care of the chickens by yourself.

You should have enough space for your chicken but not too big because raising chickens do not require big space. If you will only rely on a coop for your chicken, you will need at least 10sq.ft per chicken. Otherwise, if you have big outdoor space where chickens can freely move, a 2 to 4 sq.ft per chicken is enough. This only means that the bigger the space allotted for your chickens is better for both indoor and outdoor. Consider also that chickens are hunters. You might want to expose them in your garden where they can search for weeds, grasses, twigs and insects. They will be healthier and happier if they have lots of foraging to do. Giving the chickens less space may cause them to destroy other places by digging, pecking, and scratching. Another thing with chickens is that it is not easy to potty train them. Instead, keep them inside their coop so they will not poo everywhere. Get permission from your town's hall if they allow raising chicken in your area.

This news article is brought to you by DRUG-ABUSE - where latest news are our top priority.

Breeding Beef Cattle - What You Need To Know If You Want To Venture Into This Lucrative Industry

Breeding beef cattle is basically about producing cows that are fit for selling. It involves producing calves that can be sold in the beef market. It can also involve producing cows that can be used as replacements for your own herd or someone else's herd. When breeding beef cattle, however, there are several things you need to take into consideration. For instance, you should have the time to look out for your cattle. You cannot just leave them out in a pasture. Even if they can feed themselves, you still need to watch and observe them. Keep in mind that adequate herd management skills as well as hands-on supervision is crucial in producing hefty beef cows.

Select your breed wisely. The Black Angus is the most popular choice among beef cattle breeders but you may still choose from other breeds if you want. The Hereford, for instance, is also a good option. Its body color varies from rust brown to rich red. Its face, dewlap, switch, crest, legs, and underline are white. It can do well on a range of pastoral conditions and has good foraging and fertility characteristics. It is also docile and can produce high quality beef. Another great choice is the Murray Grey. Its color ranges from dark grey to silver, with dark skin pigmentations. It is small and recognized for its good temper. It is best known for its feed efficiency, calving ease, and carcass quality. It is mostly preferred by butchers due to its tenderness and quality.

Aside from the breed, the breeding program must also be selected. If your herd is small, you better choose artificial insemination for breeding beef cattle. On the other hand, if you have more than ten cows in your herd, it is best to go with a good herd bull.

During the breeding season, monitor your herd closely. Make sure that they do not fight and none of them is injured. You should also pull the bulls out around two to three months after they have been put in. This will guarantee that all your cows get covered.

Furthermore, choosing which cows to keep and which ones to get rid of is another important thing to remember when it comes to breeding beef cattle. Cows that have calving problems as well as those that do not gain weight are best to be eliminated from the herd. They will not be able to produce good beef and will only add to your expenses.

Important Beef Cattle Diseases That You Need To Be Aware Of When Raising Beef Cattle

As a cattle owner, you should be aware of the diseases that may affect your cows. Parasite infection, for instance, is one of the most common beef cattle diseases. External parasites such as horn flies and lice are common during the summer and the winter respectively. Both can be controlled, however, with proper medication. Internal parasites, on the other hand, can be fatal especially to calves under one year of age. These young calves have not yet developed a certain degree of immunity that can help them survive infections. So, in order to get rid of the parasites, deworming is necessary. You may use anthelmintics that have been approved for beef cattle. Consult a veterinarian with regard to the type of wormer as well as the right timing for medication. Some of the popular brands are Safeguard, Valbazen, Ivomec, Levisol, and Rumatel.

Safeguard contains fenbendazole as its active ingredient. It is effective against lungworms, roundworms, and larval forms. Valbazen is usually available in the form of paste. It has albendazole that is effective against intestinal worms like lungworms, liver flukes, and tapeworms. Ivomec is available in pour-on and injectable formulations. It has ivermectin that works against lice, lungworms, and cattle grubs. Levisol is available in paste, boluses, pour-on, and injectable forms. It contains levamisole that fight against lungworms and roundworms. Rumatel contains the active ingredient morantel tartrate, comes in crumbles or boluses forms, and works effectively against roundworms. Foot and mouth disease is another one of the common beef cattle diseases. It is caused by a virus; and unfortunately, it is not only harmful to cows but to humans, as well. Cows with foot and mouth disease usually have high body temperatures that last for two to three days, abortions, sticky and foamy saliva, mouth and tongue lesions, and inflammation of the heart muscle.

Beef cattle diseases can be prevented with proper nutrition and hygiene. Stress prevention, vitamins, and certain vaccination programs that include IBR, BRSV, BVD, and PI3 are also necessary. When injecting formulations by yourself, make sure that you do not target the muscles. All injections must be given under the skin. You must not inject formulations into the hip or legs either. In addition, always keep a record of all the treatments and follow the directions on the label of the product. Sometimes, beef cattle diseases are caused by changes in the weather. You can protect your cows by providing them with a clean and strong housing.

Friday, June 15, 2012

How To Raise Beef Cattle - Simple And Easy Tips For Beginners

Every farmer has his own way of raising his cattle. Nevertheless, the basics on how to raise beef cattle remain the same. First of all, adequate knowledge on the different beef cattle breeds is essential. You should be able to choose a breed well. Keep in mind that your success in raising beef cattle will mostly depend on how hefty your cattle become and how good their beef production is. Experts on how to raise beef cattle typically go for the Black Angus breed. However, you may also choose from the other popular breeds such as the Murray Gray, the Australian Bradford, the Texas Longhorn, and the Hereford.

In order to produce big and healthy cows, you should have the right location. Beef cows cannot be raised in a barn. They need a spacious area in which they can graze freely. A small herd can thrive in approximately two acres; but if you plan to raise many cows, make sure that you can give them sufficient space.

Also, do not forget to install fencing in order to keep your cattle inside their grazing area. Find a location that is ideal for your cows and your community. Surely, you will not want your neighbors complaining and reacting violently against your actions.

Of course, you also need to provide food and water. One cow can drink up to twelve gallons of water each day. If you do not have a creek or pond, you can buy a water tank and have your cows drink from a tub. An automatic watering device that can be heated is also a good option. When it comes to food, anyone who knows how to raise beef cattle will have the sense to stock hay for the winter. During the summer and spring, cows can eat all the fresh grass they want; but during the winter, they will need to be kept indoors and supplied with hay.

You can either grow the hay yourself or purchase it. It can be quite costly, though. So, growing it yourself is a better option especially if you only have a few cows. Also, some of the available hay in the market are old and damp. These are not ideal to be fed to cows because they tend to encourage mold growth. Anyway, you should be aware that cows are vulnerable to various diseases too. Thus, proper health management is necessary. If you are not adept on cattle medication, consult a veterinarian. You may also ask experts on how to raise beef cattle for advice. With proper care and management, you will soon be able to produce big and healthy beef cows.

This news article is brought to you by CROSS-CULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Build a Chicken Coop - The Main Steps

Aspect #1: Appearance, Design and Style:

Draw out your design and style on a paper before you start other things. Consider the colors you can paint the roof and also chicken coop surfaces. Always keep in mind when your current chicken coop will be clearly visible in your neighborhood friends, (unless your home is inside a farm it will eventually more than likely be obvious to your complete area) that shouldn't ever be an expansion or defacement of its utmost area. So ensure that you design and style an aesthetically seeking chicken coop which means that your neighborhood friends do not complain about its detracting appearance. Once finished, bear in mind to eliminate and eliminate any forms of garbage or perhaps weeds from close to your chicken hen house. Make an effort to maintain a desirable landscape close to it to boost its appearance.

Aspect #2 - Protection from Hazardous Factors:

So you plan to discover how to build a chicken coop together with maximum defense?

And then hear this.

As you are probably aware, a highly developed chicken coop may protect your birds from hazardous factors such as negative climate (heavy rainwater, breeze, hale, compacted snow, cold temperatures, and so forth,) nevertheless they may also protect them from eager predators, burglary and damage.

So, just how do we accomplish that will?

You need to develop a draft free of charge chicken house together with doors that may be opened and closed since needed. Ensure the doors both have proper testing systems installed within them for instance a large gage mesh line. Building the particular chicken coop over a high but well drained location with ensure the smallest amount of level of dampness in the hen house. Make sure you your own chicken hen house in an location that faces the sunlight to help warm and dry the particular soil and hen house itself after that you furthermore may.

To guard your birds from possible predators, the great thing to accomplish is always to bury your current outside runs together with chicken wire throughout the hen house about 1 ft. deep. This will likely prevent several very hungry possible predators like raccoons, kittens and cats and even puppies from digging underneath.

Aspect #3 - Chicken Coop Venting:

You could be thinking how to build a chicken coop that won't simply keep your birds locked up and protected from negative climate and possible predators yet obtain the proper venting it needs. If you do, then you certainly already understand significance of draft free of charge air movement from within the hen house. Birds, just like human beings, need oxygen and air. The identical costs are targeted on undesired excessive moisture and also carbon. Any chicken coop together with ample air movements and proper venting will help eliminate the ammonia develop and humidity that may increase inside its surfaces.

These are surfaces, the particular chicken coop surfaces should have appropriate insulation installed to help keep your chickens dried. Provided that birds are dried, they could handle cool climates well, yet humidity plus winter may cause medical issues to your poultry. Consequently, insulated surfaces are a need too!

Aspect #4 - Light Source:

If you need a very good source of mild and warmth to your chickens winter months in the year and also a solid way to obtain ventilation through the hot months, and then make sure you put in the chicken hen house windows facing the particular Southside where they may receive direct sunlight the whole day.

In another take note, if your goal is to get chickens that may produce fantastic eggs all year long, then you certainly should check into any way to obtain light. You ought to be capable of easily put in an electrical light at the level in the chicken coop's ceiling to help keep the chickens hot and help these lay far better chicken eggs all year round. One particular ceiling light must be enough to get a small scale chicken hen house, for greater chicken coops even though, make an effort to install a system electrical threshold light per every single 30 - 45 foot.

Aspect #5 - Handily Placed Wateres and also Chicken Feeders:

Chicken feeders and also waterers must be placed just where your flock could have comfortable access in their eyes. But you must be careful in which back up for sale because birds like to produce a mess regarding everything they take in because of the chicken itching instincts. I think a person be interested in your current chicken feed combine everywhere in the hen house floors therefore, in order to avoid this specific, you can put chicken feeders on the height in the chicken's backside. In this way they must stretch their particular necks around eat yet won't reach the particular feeders with the foot. Same costs the particular waterers.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Animal Feeds - The Need For Quality And Safety

The bodies of animals are not very different from our own. At least the animals that we domesticate and come in contact with on a regular basis have a very similar design when compared to the human body. Animals are also susceptible to diseases, and each species and breed has its own specific spectrum of diseases.

When it comes to cattle, poultry and other animals that are raised specifically for human consumption, the health of the animals becomes even more important. If humans need to stay healthy, the animals that they consume need to stay healthy as well. The "mad cow" disease and the "swine flu" epidemic proved how infected animals could endanger the lives of humans who consumed them. Therefore, the health of animals is vitally important because they can have a direct impact on the health of humans as well.

Animals that are healthy are more resistant to diseases and infections. Therefore, animal feeds have to provide them with all the nutrients that they need to stay healthy. Different animals need different types of nutrients, and the animal feeds should be specifically designed to provide all the nutrients required by each species and breed.

Apart from nutrition, the feeds could also administer medication to animals that are sick or are deficient in certain specific areas. These medical feeds help the animals to ingest them easily without any resistance as the medicines are completely mixed with the food. Most often, they would smell and taste like regular feed and the animals would not notice the difference.

Most developed nations have laws and regulations when it comes to animal feeds. The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) in the United States establishes the standards for animal feed, and it monitors and approves the safety of food additives. It is part of the US Food and Drug Administration, and manages the pet food and medicated feed programs for the FDA.

However, not all countries have stringent standards for animal feeds. It is then left to individual manufacturers to adopt their own standards and safety measures for the products that they develop. Certain large companies in developing countries have taken up the responsibility of establishing quality standards for their products developed for animals. They have been able to come up with quality animal feeds and medicated feeds that are safe and effective for a wide variety of animal species. It is highly commendable that private companies have come forward to adopt high standards for their products in order to ensure quality and safety.

This news article is brought to you by ACCOUNTING - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hoof Products You Shouldn't Be Without

If you have a cow, or thirty, you know that there's a lot involved in maintaining its health - especially its hoof health. Cows are on their feet grazing almost constantly, so the hooves require a great deal of maintenance. If you don't maintain your herd's hooves, they could end up having issues that become more serious and cause the animal to become lame. Issues that become more serious quickly become more costly as well. Before you get to that point, be sure your supply cabinet is fully stocked with the right hoof products, and you'll be ready to take a hands-on approach to keeping your animal's hooves healthy.

If you're maintaining your herd's hooves on-site, you'll need quite a few hoof products handy at all times.

Cutting Wheels - If this isn't your first rodeo, meaning that you've been a cattle farmer for many years, you know how quickly cutting wheels can dull against a cow's rough hooves. Keep enough on hand so you never run out. Remember, the larger the herd, the more wheels you'll need to keep in reserve.

Sharpeners - In addition to cutting wheels, you'll have other hoof products that need to be kept sharp at all times. Always keep a sharpener handy for the job. If you've ever worked with dull tools, you'll know they can make a tedious job much more painful than it has to be.

Boots - No one ever wants to have to use a boot on a cow, but it's sometimes necessary. If you have an emergency wound to treat, or if you're dealing with a bad case of warts, you'll need to medicate. The only way that medication is going to stay on that hoof is with a boot.

Gauze and Cotton - In addition to having these in your own first aid kit, you should also have a large supply of gauze and cotton in your hoof products supply cabinet. They come in handy in case of injury.

Knives - You'll need knives on hand to help clean out dirt and debris from your herd's soles. The bigger the herd, the more knives you'll need.

Nippers - Nippers are handy for getting at those hard to reach places within the hoof. The knife can handle a lot, but the nipper will get deeper into the crevices.

Slips and Blocks - Although you hope every cow will be problem-free, everyone knows that lameness is going to be an issue at some point. Be prepared with an adequate supply of slips and blocks.

Specialty Treatments - There are certain medications you should keep on hand to treat injury or warts that may occur, but there are also natural hoof products that can help maintain your herd's hooves.

Wraps - In the event you encounter bovine digital dermatitis, you'll want to be prepared with a supply of wraps

Educational Materials - Hoof care is extremely important, and it's also important that you understand how to use all of your hoof products. Stock your library with books, DVDs and other educational information, and then study up on hoof care before you encounter an issue that you don't know how to handle.

If you've ever had an ailing cow and haven't had the right hoof products to properly care for it, your supply cabinet is probably already fully stocked right now. If you haven't encountered that situation just yet, believe that you don't want to see it happen.

If you care about your herd and want to run an organic farm, it's important that your hoof products remain chemical and antibiotic free.