Monday, July 9, 2012

Beef Cattle Farming Guide: The 4 Preparatory Steps Increase Chances For Success

Beef cattle farming may be treated as something simple: Own a bovine, feed it properly, and when it reaches the optimum weight and size, have it slaughtered. However, in hindsight, it is not as simple as that. There are factors that need to be addressed and weighed carefully to establish a proper cattle farm. Luckily, they are not difficult to learn and apply.

Beef Cattle Farming Tip#1: Choosing the Right Bovine

There are a few different kinds of cows, and not all of them are suited to be raised for beef. Some cows are mainly used to produce milk, and though they can still provide beef, they won't provide the best. Not to mention that they will also hinder faster productivity. Cattle for milk gain weight marginally slower than cattle for beef, and they will yield beef of poorer quality.

Beef Cattle Farming Tip#2: Choosing the Right Gender

Depending on the purpose set out, choosing the appropriate gender is necessary. If breeding is the purpose, then a pair of male and female bovine will be needed. If milking is the purpose, then female bovines are the choice. And lastly, when the sole purpose is for beef, male bovines are the ideal ones to obtain. Male bovines grow significantly faster than female ones. The obvious advantages of having female bovines are: They yield milk, and they can be used to breed.

Beef Cattle Farming Tip#3: Feeding the Bovines

In feeding the cattle, the proper amount of food and proper nutrition should be provided lest they become underweight and malnourished; in other words, they are not suitable for beef production or any other purposes. Feeding them can get quite tricky, though. First, they should have at least tasted their mother's milk before they are separated from them. Second, they should stay for at least a week with their mother. And third, they should be taught how to consume food on their own by their caretaker. The tricky part is teaching them how to drink milk on their own, and it is done by dipping one's fingers in a bucket of milk then letting the young cattle suck it as if it were a teat. Soon enough, they will start to approach the bucket of milk on their own due to their want of milk.

Beef Cattle Farming Tip#4: Living Conditions

Their shelter should have well ventilation, and the temperature must be just right for them to develop properly. Also, they should have a sufficiently wide area for them to walk around, so they will get enough exercise. Improper living conditions may cause the cattle to lose their appetite and become underweight, and they might get sick if the temperature of their shelter is not properly maintained.

In the simplest sense, beef cattle farming can be very rewarding as long as the proper preparations are established. It is not really that difficult, but it should not be taken too lightly as well. Remember that by starting unprepared, there will be more losses than earnings, and there will be mistakes that are hard to recover from.

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